Below is detailed accessibility information for the third floors of Angell, Haven, Mason, and Tisch Hall.
Angell Hall
- Department of English 3167
- Ramp to Mason Hall Available
- Restrooms:
- Wheelchair accessible stalls available
- No Automatic Push to Open Doors
- Walls are grey with blue and wooden accents.
- Overhead lighting in ceiling tiles, light is white
- Flooring is grey and beige tiles that are square patterns
- Automatic push to open door available to get inside of the English Department.
- Planetarium for Astronomy Department on Southern end of Angell Hall, room 3118
- 2 elevators available
- Ramps are available to Tisch Hall and Mason Hall
Haven Hall
- American Culture Department
- American Culture Administrative Office: Room 3700
- 2 elevators available
- No ramps available on this floor to get to Tisch Hall , it can be accessed using the elevator or stairs.
- Ramp available to Mason Hall
- Flooring Tiles are white
- White walls
- Ceilings are white with overhead lighting, ceilings also have occasional colorful stripes
- Seating area available near the administrative office, dark red furniture and accents.
Mason Hall
- This floor contains classrooms and the Department of English Offices
- Department of English Offices: 3303
- Classrooms: 3302, 3314, 3315, 3330, 3333, 3347, 3353, 3356, 3359, 3401, 3411, 3427, 3437, 3440, 3448, 3451, 3460, 3463
- The floor is accessible via elevator and stairs
- This floor connects to Haven Hall at the south end of the building
- This floor connects to Angell Hall at the west end of the building
- The hallways are spacious and aren’t very crowded unless it is a transition period between class periods; generally a more quiet space
- There are benches in the hallway and in between classrooms for students to sit to wait for classes and do homework
- The flooring of the classrooms, bathrooms, and the hallway are tile; both areas have white and yellow lighting
- The doors to the classroom open in towards the interior of the room
- The setup of the classrooms on this floor regarding tables and chairs vary and are intended to fit anywhere between 15-50 people depending on the room
- Bathrooms
- There is a male and a female bathroom on this floor
- The male restroom has one heavier door in the entrance that opens into the interior of the restroom – no push-to-open option
- The female restroom has two heavier doors that open towards the interior of the bathroom – no push-to-open option
- In the women’s restroom, there are a plethora of stalls – one is bigger that provides more space within the stall
- The room has more yellow lighting with slight white undertones
- The floor is tiling
- There is no gender-neutral bathroom on this floor
Tisch Hall
- Accessible through ramp from Angell hall or elevators from ground floor(one door is usually propped open)
- No ramp to haven hall, no push to open door to entrance of haven hall and both doors are not propped open
- Spacious hallway with limited people
- Dark brown carpet no tiles
- Dull white lighting
- Department of English Center:
- Doors usually closed, no push to open
- Carpeted floor dark brown/black color
- Mainly office hour meeting rooms
- No benches in hallway
- Big open study space in middle with many chairs and tall tables
- Windows on far entrance side of offices and opposite side offices above the old courtyard
- Restrooms
- Wheelchair accessible for both women and men but no push button
- Large stall available for wheelchair users in both restrooms