Reflecting on Rideshare Accessibility: Past, Present, and Imagined Futures
By: Pooja Kannappan, Vanessa Peltoniemi, and Noa Rubin We hope you enjoy our final report on rideshare accessibility! We decided that the medium of a report would be best for our final project due to organization purposes and ease of accessibility. Please see below for a text-only PDF version of our final project. The report…
Imagining Access on BetterHelp
By Sophie, Lily and Sarah Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TZcl3gwo2p4KhfeGqZtORUeAUh2NEk0LumjjNc4GydA/edit?tab=t.0 Updated source list: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ux6zsvB56J9MCDEctMg5QaaF08us0P3iyPzXeb_J3s/edit?tab=t.0
EaseSpot MockUp – Find your next hangout, your guide to fun and accessible spots near you!
Anjika Jain, Liem Swanson, Jinsong Park After the activity we did in class, where we searched up M36 in Google Maps and found inaccurate accessibility information listed, we were inspired to design an application that would allow anyone to find and share accurate and helpful information about the accessibility and inaccessibility of fun hangout and…
Redefining U-M Accessible Attendance Policies
#University policies #University of Michigan #Accessibility, #Attendance #Inclusivity Our project serves as a broader initiative to advocate for more inclusive and accessible academic policies at our university, specifically concerning attendance policies and the adoption of lecture capture technologies. Due to the diverse needs of today’s students, these alterations can guarantee that everyone, including those with…
University of Michigan Virtual Impact Survey
By: Audrey Pfannes, Peninnah Posey, Denise Perez #OnlineMeetingSpaces #Classroom #Organizations #Virtual Spaces #Disability #Accessibility Project Description: During the COVID-19 pandemic, remote learning technology became abundant and well thought out to allow students and professionals to collaborate without face-to-face interaction. For many disabled groups, remote options offered not only protection from the pandemic but also a…
Accessible Map of Angell/Haven/Mason/Tisch Hall
Made by Natalia Bafia, Katherine Schultz, and Michelle Leon Mason Hall is the first academic building established at the University of Michigan. It consists of 4 separate halls; Mason Hall, Tisch Hall, Angell Hall, and Haven Hall. It is filled with classrooms, department offices, lecture halls, study spaces and more features that make this building…
Accessing School of Kinesiology Building [SKB]
Address: 830 N. University Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1048 By Laura Zhang and William Shen Project Description: The Kinesiology Building at the University of Michigan, originally constructed in 1915 as the Edward Henry Kraus Building, was significantly renovated and expanded in a $120 million project completed in January 2021. Designed by renowned architect Albert Kahn,…
Third Spaces and Community: An A2 Focused Reflection and Audit
By Mecca Durhal Introduction / Project Description Introduction Transcript Begins Here: [time: 00:00:00] Work-life balance, as a term some of us may be familiar with, is the concept of maintaining equilibrium between the amount of time and effort you expend working and living your life. You may have seen debates about what constitutes good work-life…
Accessing Communal Hubs on Campus
The campus, in its entirety, should be an accessible place for everyone, encompassing cultural, accommodational, and academic considerations.