Imagining the Future of CAPS at the University of Michigan
Or follow this link to view our presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1k9P20kXCxzHYC-qGXi7ZQsjuuYtObhsrQMdIwmPTW5I/edit#slide=id.p Here is our infographic:
Accessible Map of Angell/Haven/Mason/Tisch Hall
Made by Natalia Bafia, Katherine Schultz, and Michelle Leon Mason Hall is the first academic building established at the University of Michigan. It consists of 4 separate halls; Mason Hall, Tisch Hall, Angell Hall, and Haven Hall. It is filled with classrooms, department offices, lecture halls, study spaces and more features that make this building…
Digital Daily: Analyzing A2’s Campus Newspaper
My goal with this project is to objectively analyze how accessible the digital space (website, social media pages, and general content) of the Michigan Daily is. The hope is to use this project as a framework for real change at the Daily.