Reflecting on Rideshare Accessibility: Past, Present, and Imagined Futures
By: Pooja Kannappan, Vanessa Peltoniemi, and Noa Rubin We hope you enjoy our final report on rideshare accessibility! We decided that the medium of a report would be best for our final project due to organization purposes and ease of accessibility. Please see below for a text-only PDF version of our final project. The report…
Digital care at UM (post Covid-19)
By: Fan Yi, Armaan Sandhu, Mohammad Shohan Remote Access Policies Table Time Period Policy / Measure Name Key Features Technology Deployed Affected Users Compliance & Security Focus Early 2000s (c. 2001) Initial Remote Access (Dial-Up) Limited trial access, small user base Dial-up + Basic Accounts Select Faculty/ Staff Basic username/password, minimal compliance 2003 Early VPN…
University of Michigan Virtual Impact Survey
By: Audrey Pfannes, Peninnah Posey, Denise Perez #OnlineMeetingSpaces #Classroom #Organizations #Virtual Spaces #Disability #Accessibility Project Description: During the COVID-19 pandemic, remote learning technology became abundant and well thought out to allow students and professionals to collaborate without face-to-face interaction. For many disabled groups, remote options offered not only protection from the pandemic but also a…
Third Spaces and Community: An A2 Focused Reflection and Audit
By Mecca Durhal Introduction / Project Description Introduction Transcript Begins Here: [time: 00:00:00] Work-life balance, as a term some of us may be familiar with, is the concept of maintaining equilibrium between the amount of time and effort you expend working and living your life. You may have seen debates about what constitutes good work-life…